The Spain government invests to reach the Spain Renewal Energies Plan objectives in 2010 : 12% of energy consumed in Spain must be from renewal energies sources, and in 2020 , around 20%-40%)
El compromiso de España para el año 2010 es conseguir :
1. El 12% de toda la energía que se consuma en el país deberá proceder de fuentes de energías renovables.
2. El 29,4% de energía eléctrica que se produzca deberá ser con fuentes de energías renovables.
3. El 5,75% del transporte deberá realizarse con biocarburantes.
" El importe total de la inversión del Plan en el periodo 2005-2010 es de 23.598.641 miles de euros. El mayor peso corresponde a la financiación ajena (el 77,1 por 100 del coste total, lo que supone la cifra de 18.197,974 millones de euros); el 20 por 100 correspondería a los promotores, lo que significa una cifra de 4.719,728 millones de euros, y la ayuda pública supone el 2,9 por 100, lo que representa 680,939 millones de euros."
Source: Plan de Energías Renovables 2005-2010
So, with this scenario, who is doubting that the competitiveness in this sector will experiment a colossal increase ?
and then, the expertise of established companies, will be enough to compete ?
The expertise is essential to create confidence with the costumer, and also to achieve their satisfaction, but the companies, now, will ALSO have to work their positioning, and to create a niche market to be in the customer’s head and to be the reference in this sector IN NEXT FUTURE.
To be there, positioned in the references sector list , we must redefine all the marketing strategies that we’ve been doing up to now.
And overall don’t forget!!!!, the other one come in with all their marketing strategies fully adapted to a competitive environment.
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The Spain government invests to reach the Spain Renewal Energies Plan objectives in 2010 : 12% of energy consumed in Spain must be from renewal energies sources, and in 2020 , around 20%-40%)
El compromiso de España para el año 2010 es conseguir :
1. El 12% de toda la energía que se consuma en el país deberá proceder de fuentes de energías renovables.
2. El 29,4% de energía eléctrica que se produzca deberá ser con fuentes de energías renovables.
3. El 5,75% del transporte deberá realizarse con biocarburantes.
" El importe total de la inversión del Plan en el periodo 2005-2010 es de 23.598.641 miles de euros. El mayor peso corresponde a la financiación ajena (el 77,1 por 100 del coste total, lo que supone la cifra de 18.197,974 millones de euros); el 20 por 100 correspondería a los promotores, lo que significa una cifra de 4.719,728 millones de euros, y la ayuda pública supone el 2,9 por 100, lo que representa 680,939 millones de euros."
Source: Plan de Energías Renovables 2005-2010
So, with this scenario, who is doubting that the competitiveness in this sector will experiment a colossal increase ?
and then, the expertise of established companies, will be enough to compete ?
The expertise is essential to create confidence with the costumer, and also to achieve their satisfaction, but the companies, now, will ALSO have to work their positioning, and to create a niche market to be in the customer’s head and to be the reference in this sector IN NEXT FUTURE.
To be there, positioned in the references sector list , we must redefine all the marketing strategies that we’ve been doing up to now.
And overall don’t forget!!!!, the other one come in with all their marketing strategies fully adapted to a competitive environment.